Friday, February 24, 2012

Mr. Amo's Wild Ride! By Scott Cherney.

Back in the Prehistoric Era, tickets were required for each of the attractions and rides at Disneyland. The ticket books were alphabetized from A to E, indicating the level and/or appeal in ascending order. A was reserved for most kiddie rides or something a bit duller like the People Mover. But E tickets were the top of the line, guaranteeing thrills and chills for the most coveted of attractions like the bobsledding spectacle known as the Matterhorn.

This little history lesson will explain why I consider Tom Amo's AN APPLE FOR ZOE: THE FORSAKEN an E ticket ride. Once this supernatural roller coaster gets into high gear, it doesn't slow down for barely a page. There are twists and turns that'll whip you around like a crash test dummy on an out of control luge.
Amo incorporates the paranormal with well-researched Hollywood lore and serial killer history into AN APPLE FOR ZOE in between the lightning speed action, making it much more than just a fast paced thriller. However, by the end, I did feel the need to reach for an oxygen tank because I was a little out of breath especially after the introduction of two of the best villainesses I've run across in quite some time: The insane Russian female twin assassins known as The Baranova Sisters. Holy Smokin' Smirnov! What a pair of hot psychos! I think I'm a little smitten. For these characters alone, AN APPLE FOR ZOE: THE FORSAKEN is an E ticket attraction of the highest order and will make you clamor for the next installment.
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