Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cracking The Top 100 on Amazon.

Last week I did a free promo for my sixties spy comedy, "Let's Get Lade." This was my second time doing a Kindle select free promo. It's a wild ride in no uncertain terms. It seemed so strange to cheer for your book to be given away for free. Now didn't I get into publishing to make a living? So why would I be excited about giving my work away for free? Well in a blog several blogs ago, I talked about how freebies sometimes are the just the thing that makes your product buyable! It doesn't make any sense to me, but I suppose in a way, it's a way to let people give your writing a try, see if they want to read more of your work. I hope the readers do feel it was worth it. (even though they didn't have to pay for it.) However value isn't just placed in dollars is it? Time is valuable too. How many times do we stand in line, sit at a very long red light and lament about how we've been robbed of precious minutes of life we can never get back. Many readers feel this way too when they've invested themselves in a book that doesn't live up to it's promise.

Our world is becoming so very tied together now, it seems if we make a major blunder, basically everyone with a twitter or Facebook will know about it in less than five minutes. If readers don't like us, it will take no time to watch the fire of word of mouth spread.  While the internet is an amazing's still word of mouth (fingers a typing) that drives it all. So that being said...once people found out I had a free did they ever go hog wild on the downloads.
Suddenly I felt like my book was a Wonka Bar! About every 15 minutes another 100 copies was downloaded. All I kept thinking was..damn what if this was paid? This must be what it feels like to be J.A. Konrath, lol. Anyway before the end of the first day I found out...I had cracked the coveted Top 100!  There was my name at #49! Not only had I got into the Top 100 I was in the Top 50! 

For some this is like Kindle makes their books take off. My first time I didn't make it into the top 100. First time I only saw 1505 downloads. This time I was 73 shy of 7000 downloads. WOW.
I have to give the bulk of that credit to ENT. (Ereader News Today)
with their amazing 240k followers on FB, they really made a difference. I am hoping the sales will continue. I have to say even for the Free Store it sure does feel good to be one of the writers that got to experience that!
Thank you everyone who grabbed a copy, shared a link or retweeted me! Now most importantly...I hope you like the book!

Get your very own copy of  Let's Get Lade on Kindle! CLICK HERE


Grandma said...

Thomas,I'd buy ANY book you wrote!You are just a totally Awesomesauce writer n friend!Keep lettin'me in that great mind of yours,honey darlin'! xoxo

Thomas Amo said...

Thanks Tina! Your the reason writing works! Thank you for being you!

M. E. Franco said...

Good information. It's true, sometimes exposure makes all the difference. Thanks!

Sarah Flight said...

This is so true, when you offer a freebie suddenly it makes you seem all the more interesting and people are more likely to pick your product up to give it a go, and who knows they might love it and come back and BUY your work next time.

Well done you on cracking the top 100 AND top 50! Woo!

Thomas Amo said...

Thank you Sarah! It was surreal to say the least! I love being a writer! It's allowed me to make so many new and fab friends such as yourself!